
Unit Skit Oral Presentation Rubric

Oral Performance (12 points) - Points are given in the scale of Excellent (3 points), Satisfactory (2 points), Needs Improvement (1 point).
Pronunciation (3 points): Student can articulate the content clearly and intelligibly.
Intonation (3 points): Student is capable of sounding out the 4 tones and intonation in a natural and genuine accent.
Fluency (3 point): Student speaks out fluently/coherently without hesitation, repetition, stumbling or inappropriate stopping/pausing.
Volume (3 point): Student speaks with appropriate volume and is audible to the audience.
Preparedness (6 points) - No script/cheat sheet is allowed, students are evaluated in terms of level of preparedness.
High level of preparedness (6 points)
Moderate level of preparedness (4 points)
Low level of preparedness (2 points)
No preparedness (0 point)
Presence (1 point) - Student looks comfortable and confident (agreeable tone, appropriate eye contact, standing tall, hands nicely hanging down on the sides in stead of playing with them, no head burying in the script…etc) executing his/her task on the stage.
Overall Presentation (1 point) - Student makes efforts (dramatization, gestures, costume, props…etc) to positively and pleasantly impress the audience.
